2 - 12 Broadway, Nottingham

Contribute to the Birkin story

This archive has only been possible through the invaluable contributions made by Derek & Margaret Allen in bringing the building to life and to the substantial efforts of John Drapkin and his marvellous 2009 book, “The Birkins of Nottingham: A Truly Remarkable Family”.

We would also like to thank Eileen Measures, former Managing Director at Guy Birkin, for her extensive contacts and resources so kindly shared and Tonya Outtram and Ann Inscker at Nottingham City Council's ‘Lace Unravelled’ project team who, together with Judith Edgar, Curator of Costume and Textiles based at Newstead Abbey, enhanced the building's history by sharing so many incredible artefacts.

The more we have researched, the more people we have come across with stories to tell of this wonderful building and the memories they made within.

If you, or anyone you know, have memories to add we would be delighted to hear from you.


Drapkin, J.L. (2009), “The Birkins of Nottingham: A Truly Remarkable Family”

Oldfield, G & Nottingham Civic Society (2001), “The Lace Market, Nottingham”

Brand, K. & Nottingham Civic Society (2003), “Thomas Chambers Hine: Architect of Victorian Nottingham”

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